As a money saver, we always want to save efforts in producing large amount of quality articles. That is why we now consider to accept guest posting or even paid posting (or called sponsored posting) in our website network (i.e.: not limited to this QMS website). Of course, in order to prevent from article scamming, all guest posting should meet the following editorial guidelines.
Guest Posting (We call it Free Version):
To extend our exposure, a pilot program is now introduced to invite guest writer or freelance writer to work together with us.
However, for protecting our website against scammers, all blog posts should be written in proper English and are subject to our approval. We have TWO major requirements for guest posting. They are: (a) guest posts should bring true (non-promotional) values to our readers; and (b) guest posts should not hurt our website ranking.
Since the web is changing all the time, we are unlikely to list here all possible conditions that may violate our stated requirements. In addition, different websites in our distribution network may have slight variations in posting requirements. Nevertheless, you should consider the following as typical examples of violation:
(1) You must not illegally submit any post which you do not own full copyrights.
(2) You should not submit any post which already published elsewhere on the internet. Non-original or duplicate content is considered as a hurt of our website ranking. No article syndication, sales letter, advertisement, press release, PLR (Private Label Rights) content or similar promotional material is allowed. Only unique content that can pass Copyscape will be considered.
(3) You should not place any link inside the body of your post. Normally, only one simple text link (non-promotional and has true value for readers) back to your site in Bio section (also called signature box or resource box) will be accepted and any inappropriate link will be removed. To further protect our website against scammers, your link has to be nofollow and we cannot guarantee it will be permanent so as to ensure it does not hurt our site ranking.
For meeting our non-promotional requirement and for better readability purpose, the words introducing your link or the link itself should not constitute any call-to-action and the anchor text should not be more than 5 words.
What is meant by no 'call-to-action'? In general, a non-promotional text link (text only, no banner or affiliate link please) that blends with your content in Bio section (at the end of your post) is considered acceptable. Taking our first sentence in this section as an example for acceptance: You should not place any link inside the body of your post.
On the other hand, if you ask visitors to click on your link, then this is a 'call-to-action'. An example for violation is: Learn more at:- our website.
(4) You should not submit any post with shallow (or thin and non-informative) content or excessive keyword density. Body of your post should not contain less than 500 words, or it will be considered as a type of shallow content which is too short and brings little values to our readers. There is, however, no minimum word count requirement for your Bio section. You should also meet the common industry standard Publishing Rules and Policies such as this one.
(5) Your post, including the landing page which your link directs to, should not violate our AdSense statement (this external link will bring you to another website within our network). Low quality article, poor landing page or URL that banned by Google can be a bad neighborhood for us and is considered as a hurt of our website ranking.
For better SERP (Search Engine Ranking Position), we reserve our rights to re-format your post title (eg.: Capitalize the First Letter of Every Main Word) or amend your post title depending on your actual content. We, however, respect your rights and will try our best to keep your intended keywords in the title(s), if possible.
If your post is not best suit for the objective of this QMS blog or if there is no suitable editorial slot (depending on the queuing condition) in this blog, we also reserve our rights to publish your post(s) on other blog(s) in our network but, to make it fair to you, we will notify you the distribution result in advance and you can then decide if you see fit publishing your post(s) in our auto-distributed blog network.
Paid Posting (We call it Sponsored Version):
To further extend our exposure, we will consider to accept paid posting (i.e: sponsored posts) on case-by-case basis. We offer highly competitive rates depending on the overall quality of your sponsored post(s). Our basic principle is: the higher the quality of your sponsored post(s), the lower the advertising rate(s) you will pay for.
As per the nature of paid posting, our requirements will be different from that of guest posting for the above items# (2), (3) and (4). In particular, you can have no more than 2 permanent backlinks in your bio section. You can also choose on your own from one of our related blogs with good Google PR (PageRank) as the destination of your post (you do not have this choice for free version).
While acceptance will be considered on case-by-case basis, normally you should expect a much higher chance of acceptance for paid posting than guest posting. However, poor quality posting that contains no real value to readers, steers towards search engine spamming or excessive self-promotion will still be rejected.
In addition to posting in our blog(s), we will also promote your paid posting through SMM (Social Media Marketing) tools like Twitter, Facebook Fan Page and other bookmarking sites.
As per the non-profit nature of our group (Source: About Quick Money Saver), we have no intention to force anyone to support us via sponsored posting. However, we do appreciate any sponsor who can offer helps for our charity campaigns. We will do whatever we can to work professionally with our sponsors and, we have full confidence to be your long-term partner for your advertising success.
If you are interested in either paid posting (sponsored version) or guest posting (free version), please do contact us to submit your post(s) via email for our editorial review. Happy blogging!
Quick Money Saver (QMS) is an exciting website that mainly helps to save your money smart, easy and fast.
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