Looking for a reliable web hosting service provider can be a difficult task if you are not very sure about your actual needs. So how to find cheap but reliable web hosting service provider(s)? Here we would introduce some essential skills for choosing a trustable hosting service provider before making your final decision. As a member of QMS (Quick Money Saver), it is a good idea to firstly ask oneself the following 5 key questions before choosing any web hosting service provider:
5 Key Questions For Selecting the Best Web Hosting Service Provider
(i) Budget First.
How much money should be used for getting your website up-and-running? Many reliable and affordable web hosting service providers can instantly turn your website into function, usually within 1 day (24 hours), by offering dedicated server, standard shared hosting (SSH) or virtual private server (VPS). Always set up your own website budget first, although web server cost is possibly not the only key factor affecting total website expense. Other operating costs may include: SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Online Advertising, Article Marketing, Special Promotion etc.
(ii) Disk Storage Space.
Now the second question is: How much disk storage space should your website required? It is a must to determine if your website needs large disk storage space or it can just be a simple static website that needs only lesser disk storage space. Other than disk storage space, factors like RAM available, speed or number of CPUs are also key concerns.
(iii) Bandwidth.
Enough bandwidth must also be a critical criteria for selection. If you have huge site traffic or need to run large data files through your website for each day, you should need dedicated server with unlimited bandwidth to avoid slow loading speed of web page(s). If you run only a simple static site with small amount of traffic, just for providing background information about your company and some contact details, you may then go for much lesser bandwidth.
(iv) Database.
Should your website need any MySQL database? Remember to check carefully with potential web hosting service provider if it can host a database of suitable type properly, because some systems may only host database of a few certain types. So if your website does need any reliable database, do check all necessary requirements to ensure it will run properly.
(v) Software Scripts.
You must make sure, if your website needs any special computer software to run certain scripts correctly, do check very carefully with potential web hosting service provider before final decision should be made. If your website needs to run under WordPress platform, then you must make sure WordPress panel can be easily installed on that web hosting system.
After you finish asking yourself the 5 key questions mentioned above, do start visualizing your website layout and also its main purposes. It is usually necessary to have a nice navigation bar on front page with links to each internal sub-page. Consider specifically the actual function of every internal link on your website. Re-think about it over and over again so that when you actually start setting up this new system, you will not find missing any extra requirements.
Never forget to research for multiple web hosting service providers before making any final decision. Read carefully and go through their server hardware, technical requirements, software, price level, reliability etc. Compare them one by one to find out the best suitable and affordable hosting service provider.
Last but not least, for any QMS (Quick Money Saver), go visiting major reputable forums about web hosting, and surely you will get good pieces of useful information there on how to find any cheap but reliable web hosting service provider(s).
Not every cheap web hosting is bad, while not every expensive web hosting is good. As a QMS (Quick Money Saver), you may try using DreamHost with special discount offer here, or at least sign-up for earning their affiliate program benefits with this link.
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